Having your art works professionally scanned will allow you to create digital files prints of your work which can be used to create prints in any size you wish. You can also create limited edition print runs, whatever you choose and its all possible with Pixel Perfect.
We use a medium format Sinar Bellows Camera with the ultimate in Capture backs, the Phase One Power Phase FX medium format Capture back. This allows us to capture 16 bit files at 300ppi and create files up to 378MB is size. From here we supply you with an 8 bit colour corrected file which will give you the freedom to create whatever print file size you choose.
Pixel uses its stringent colour management processes in this workflow along with all the others to make sure you get the most accurate reproduction of your artworks possible.
Pricing is $140 per scan, with 50% discount for stitched artworks (extra scans for 1 artwork) or artworks that are larger that 120cm x 150cm. For these we can take multiple images and stitch them together seamlessly. Turn around time is 3 to 4 days
We can also bring our camera and full lighting set up to you, and capture your work in your home or studio. Call us for more details 02 9319 0455
The original work on the right with the 1:1 reproduction on the left. Blue Flowers by Garry McEwan @garry_mcewan.