Ready to Hang Canvas

Canvas Prints

When you order an Ready to Hang Canvas (RTH) you get all the same benefits of colour managed Fine Art papers, including High-resolution printing with UltraChrome K3 pigment inks, with life expectance of over 75 years.

  • We print on the best available profiled media, Canson Photo Art Pro Canvas, a poly/cotton canvas for better stretching
  • We offer liquid laminate  for protection & durability
  • Framing with our standard size of 30mm (1.18″) stretcher bars (20 or 40mm stretcher bars optional) from regrowth timber.
  • A wire hanger is included on all RTH Canvas prints, and will come delivered with bubble wrap for protection
  • We recommend a test strip for colour-critical applications.
  • All prices include the cost of the canvas printing, stretching/mounting, and spray lacquer for protection.
  • When preparing your file for a RTH Canvas order, please add 2 inches on every side to accommodate  wrapping around the stretcher bars. See the tips below

Setup Tips for
Ready to Hang Canvas

  • To enable enough canvas to wrap around the stretcher frame, add 2″ to each side of the image. so for an 18 x 20″ Canvas, supply an image 22 x 24″. 
  • You can choose between a Gallery wrap which is your image reflected on the edges or plain black or white edge, the choice is yours.
  • Test colour accuracy for colour-critical applications.
  • Canvas does not stretch perfectly “square”. Avoid straight lines near edge of the image.

Framing for Canvasses

We have a range of black white and natural timber L frames to complement your stretch canvas frames. So called an L frame as thats the shape that wraps the side and underneath the canvas.

Also known as shadow frames or Trim frames, these sit neatly with a 5mm shadow line between the canvas and the frame making a great looking finished product.

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